10 Labor Pains Symptoms When To Go To Hospital

Congratulations Mama, you’ve made it to the final stretch! If you’re like most pregnant women, you’re definitely feeling a mix of emotions at this point: excitement, nerves, fatigue… and being sick of being pregnant.

Low back pain, an increased urge to urinate, contractions, a burst of energy, weight loss, diarrhea, and, of course, your water breaking are all signs that the labor is 24 to 48 hours away.

However, because each woman’s labor is unique, what you go through in the final hours of pregnancy may be different from what another pregnant woman goes through.

Labor Pains Symptoms When To Go To Hospital

Although you can’t predict when you’ll go into labor, you can look for signs that it’s getting close. Are you searching for labor pains symptoms when to go to hospital? Here’s what to expect when your labor is 24 to 48 hours away:

The Baby Drops

This is when your baby “drops,” which is medically known as “lightning.” The baby’s head sinks further into the pelvic cavity. This can happen up to two weeks before labor begins for some women; for others, it may not happen at all.

An Increased Urge to Urinate

The baby’s head dropping into the pelvis can cause an increased desire to urinate. Because the baby’s low placement puts even more pressure on the urinary bladder, many women reaching labor may experience frequent urges to urinate. With the baby dropping, breathing can become easier since the diaphragm is less stressed.

The Mucus Plug Passes

The passage of the mucus plug is a sign that labor is approaching. During pregnancy, the cervical opening is normally kept closed by thick mucus that is produced by the cervical glands. Before delivery, this mucus plug must be expelled. The mucus plug is forced out of the vaginal canal by the baby’s head pressure or as a blood-tinged vaginal discharge. The mucus plug might not even be expelled until after labor begins for some women, while others may observe mucus discharge in the days leading up to labor.

The Cervix Dilates

Dilation of the cervix is an indication that labor is approaching, although a doctor observes this during a pelvic examination. This starts days, if not weeks, before labor begins; “fully dilated” indicates that the width of the cervix has dilated to 10 cm.

Thinning of the Cervix

Thinning of the cervix occurs in addition to dilation. Because a thinned cervix dilates quite easily, this happens in the weeks leading up to labor. During a pelvic exam, a doctor can detect this sign as well.

Back Pain

As labor approaches, several women report back pain, particularly dull pain in the lower back that appears and disappears. Back pain can occur in conjunction with or independently of other types of contractions. As the trimester progresses, women may recognize loosening of the joints, especially in the pelvic area, to prepare for delivery.


As labor approaches, contractions become stronger and more frequent and can be defined as pounding, tightening, stabbing, or similar to menstrual cramps.

Braxton-Hicks contractions, also known as “false labor,” occur towards the end of pregnancy during the trimester. Braxton-Hicks contractions are typically milder than true labor contractions and do not happen at regular intervals. When contractions are less than 10 minutes apart, it’s usually the start of true labor.

A Burst of Energy

Many women report a sudden burst of excitement and energy in the weeks leading up to labor, in contrast to feeling extra tired. This urge is commonly referred to as “nesting,” It is frequently accompanied by a sense of urgency to complete tasks or make some plans for the baby.

An Urge to Have a Bowel Movement

Women frequently describe pelvic pain and pressure as a desire to urinate. In the days leading up to labor, some women report having diarrhea or having loose bowel movements.

Your Water Breaks

The rupture of the amniotic membranes, also known as “water breaking,” usually signals the start of labor. It is not usually a dramatic gush of fluid, as it is often depicted in movies, but instead a slow dripping or trickle. Colorless and odorless amniotic fluid is ideal. Amniotic fluid does not have an odor, which makes it difficult to distinguish from urine. If you suspect you’re leaking amniotic fluid, you should contact your doctor right away.

The Bottom Line

The last month of pregnancy is an emotional roller coaster. As you wait for your baby to arrive, you’re feeling a mixture of excitement and anticipation.

Labor is something unpredictable. However, if you pay attention to your body, you’ll notice that you’re only a day or two away from your next adventure. You can also make an appointment with gynecologists of top hospitals in Pakistan via Marham.pk.

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