Breast Augmentation For Bigger Beautiful Breasts

Looking down on your breasts and not seeing volume, can for some people cause feelings of insecurity or dissatisfaction. Luckily, that can be changed with breast augmentation surgery. With this procedure, you can change the size and shape of your breasts.

Why do women decide to undergo breast augmentation?

The most common reason is the small breasts. Women like to be attractive and to feel satisfied in their bodies, so they decide to enlarge their breasts. Also, women after pregnancy are unsatisfied with their sagging breasts, which can also happen due to aging, and they are common candidates for breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation is becoming more popular

Some women have asymmetrical breasts, where one breast can be pointed to the side or downwards, so implants, which can be inserted by the specialists in Breast & Body Clinic, alongside some corrections will make your breasts more symmetrical. Women who had mastectomy can decide to have breast reconstruction were implanting is included.

Implant variations

The breast implant is basically a medical prosthesis that is placed inside the breast, and there are three types of implants.

Silicone gel implants

This is a classical implant with a silicone shell that is filled with a silicone gel. Women who decide to put this type of implants should check them regularly via ultrasound or MRI, as the rupture can be spotted this way. If the silicone implants leaks, the gel may stay in the shell or leak into the breast implant pocket.

Saline implants

These implants are filled with salt water, which is actually a sterile saline solution. The shell of this implant is elastomer silicone. It is interesting that these implants can be filled with different amounts of saline solution. This will affect the firmness, shape, and feel of the breasts. One more advantage is that this salt water is safe for the body, so if the implant gets damaged, the body will expel the water.

Your breasts can look naturally bigger with implants

Alternative composite implants

There is also an option where your implants are filled with some other liquid. That can be soy oil, polypropylene string or some other material.

Choosing a surgeon

The surgeon that you choose should belong to a professional association. In Australia, you can undergo professional breast augmentation at Breast & Body Clinic, which will be done by certified and qualified surgeons.

Besides the certification, you should also check if the surgeon works in accredited medical facilities. Your surgeon should be informed and educated about standards and innovations in this field, so your surgery can be done better and to lower possible risks. You should feel safe beside your doctor and have a feeling of trust so you can rely on him or her.

Final word

The number of women interested in breast augmentation has grown by 80%. That is because women are getting more information about procedure possibilities, and the risks of unwanted side effects are much lower, while surgeons are more experienced and educated.

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