Silicone Chin Implant Augmentation Long Leg Type

The goal of chin reduction surgery is to make your chin smaller. Consider this treatment if you believe your chin is too long and comprehensive or protruding past your nose’s bridge. The chin’s harmony with the rest of the face can be enhanced with surgery. Chin-reducing surgery can also be referred to as mentoplasty or chin-trimming surgery.

You can choose the best chin surgery silicone, long legs (เสริมคางซิลิโคนขายาว, which is the term in Thai) to improve a harmonious face, silicone chin implants are widely utilized in surgical procedures for cosmetic reasons. It has become increasingly vital for humans to have an attractive face, and various cosmetic chin changes can help people reach a significant portion of their objectives.

A tiny incision in the submental location corresponds to the normal neck shadows to insert a silicone implant beneath the bony chin’s lowest inferior posterior part. Chin implants made of healthcare-grade silicone are secure and have an organic look and feel. Chin implants can be customized by the doctor who performs them to change the appearance and contour of the chin to suit your demands.

What Does “Chin Surgery” (Mentoplasty) Indicate?

Chin surgery, also called mentoplasty, can increase a receding chin. Decrease a too-prominent chin, or treat other structural abnormalities of dimensions or contour. Following chin surgery, many patients can return to work or continue their routine for around a week.

To ensure the recovery is made safely, patients must forgo vigorous exercise and activities for a few weeks. After the second week, the bruises will fade and could be completely gone in 10 to 14 days.

Is A Chin Implant Is Irreversible?

Yes, A chin implantation can be brought out; however, doing so requires an individual to have additional surgery. It would help if you evaluated whether you want to have a chin implant.

Recovery Process

You should anticipate swelling and bruises for ten to fourteen days following these treatments. For some patients with significant medical issues, the general anesthesia utilized for various augmentation procedures carries serious hazards. The risk of bleeding after surgical treatment may also increase for smokers and those taking known inhibit-clotting medications like warfarin.


Regular chin augmentation surgery permanently improves the chin, facial, and neck equilibrium. People are often ecstatic with the outcomes and take advantage of enhanced chin form and cosmetic balance for the rest of their lives.

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